Bameen’s activities centre on practical responses to environmental concerns and their communal impact. Environmental concerns and activities have seen substantial growth among the community generally. The response among BME’s has however been more limited. This leads to a situation where the social and economic benefits of these activities are not felt by minority communities to the depth they could be. The reasons for this lack of engagement are many but Bameen’s concerns centre on these economic and social disadvantages. Bameen seeks to develop projects that will improve the well being of minority communities which will lead to greater integration with the wider community. By addressing issues such as recycling, food growing and health. Bameen believes it is also tackling concerns over skills, employability which has resonance and impact upon the whole community.
Bameen is currently running an urban agriculture project supported by the European Union. This is a free course for unemployed BMEs in Hull to equip themselves in transferable skills like, why we grow food and the benefits, what skills do we need, organising and managing a grower’s session, marketing & outlets for produce, building a business and personal development etc.